You wouldn’t have wished for this ridiculous, unprecedented disruption. But if you’re like many leaders I talk with, this stressful period has also been surprisingly energizing. Until it wasn’t.
You’re proud of your team. They’ve been working round the clock on a fast pivot. Maybe you’ve done more in the last sixty days than you could have ever imagined.It’s weird, right? That positive adrenaline rush from the fast call-to-action in a crisis that is bigger than your biggest “that will never happen” contingency planning scenario.I’m hearing about this phenomenon from so many of our clients—across a wide range of industries and circumstances.And we’ve felt it too.
We’ve been on a fast scramble to move our in-person programs to live-online. We built out new curriculum and a multi-camera studio, with new stage views. And, we’ve added a bunch of new tools to keep our programs highly engaging. And it’s working. We have important work to do. Clients are happy.There’s a huge sense of relief during a time when we are fortunate to have any work at all. The long days and weeks-that-ran-together scramble mattered.
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