Time to Upgrade Casinos Bridges

Time to Upgrade Casinos Bridges

In Connecticut, work has begun on the rehabilitation of two bridges on Route 2A in Preston. The Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) is overseeing activities on Bridge 02931 carrying Route 2A over Poquetanuck Cove and Bridge 02932 carrying Route 2A over...
When Concrete Learns to Pre-stress Itself

When Concrete Learns to Pre-stress Itself

Newswise — More than ten billion tonnes of concrete are produced and used worldwide every year. This is more than all other building materials combined. By way of comparison, steel and asphalt – both of which are also used very abundantly – are each produced at around...
Non-Verbal Skills for Virtual Team Leaders

Non-Verbal Skills for Virtual Team Leaders

OK, I know this title may sound a little odd – what’s the point of non-verbal communication on virtual teams? But there are actually several ways that this is important, and by the end of this post, we’ll cover eight techniques to improve your ability to communicate...