MVRDV Designs a Pancaked Urban Living Room For Shenzhen

MVRDV Designs a Pancaked Urban Living Room For Shenzhen

Rotterdam-based firm MVRDV has been selected as the winner of a competition to design the new Shimao ShenKong International Centre, a mixed-use collegiate complex to be built in Shenzhen, China’s Universiade New Town. Described as a “multi-level urban living room,”...
Thermal Well Integral to Keeping The Well Project Warm and Cool

Thermal Well Integral to Keeping The Well Project Warm and Cool

A 50-foot wide hole excavated 150-feet into bedrock below a six-level underground parkade in downtown Toronto will serve as a “thermal well” filled with 8.5 million litres of Lake Ontario water to heat and cool downtown buildings. Lined with concrete, the giant...
Astronaut Urine to Build Moon Bases

Astronaut Urine to Build Moon Bases

The modules that the major space agencies plan to erect on the Moon could incorporate an element contributed by the human colonizers themselves: the urea in their pee. European researchers have found that it could be used as a plasticizer in the concrete of the...