
Discover the power of unburdened leadership as you transition from a culture of ‘doing’ to ‘learning’, creating high performing, innovative teams and achieving desired business outcomes.



The demand for leaders to deliver business outcomes has significantly escalated. However, operating under a ‘doing’ culture where leaders shoulder all responsibilities often creates a self-perpetuating cycle, leaving little room for team growth and problem-solving.

Introducing the concept of unburdened leadership could break this cycle. This leadership style is characterised by empowering teams to take ownership of achieving a goal, fostering learning and building capabilities to solve problems and contribute towards results. Leaders are advised to shift focus from ‘doing’ to ‘supporting’, an act which calls for a deep cultural change prioritising learning over relentless task completion.

The transition to unburdened leadership can be realised through three key steps.

First, ‘connect with your intention’, which involves conscious decision-making in line with desired outcomes. This connection can be strengthened by taking ‘intention pauses’ throughout the day to focus on actions aligning with our purpose and expected impact.

Second, ‘slow down and pause’. By resisting the urge to rush and interrupt others, we create a conducive environment for thinking, innovation, and learning. Slowing down also ensures clear and effective communication while creating space for reflection.

Finally, ‘build a routine of reflection’. Reflection, often overlooked in a ‘doing’ culture, is the starting point of learning. By establishing habits of self-reflection and scheduling team reflection time, better decisions can be made, leading to more effective actions.

Unburdened leadership promotes team growth, higher engagement, and innovation while achieving desired business outcomes. By sharing the burden of ‘doing’, leaders inspire team growth and achieve better results. The secret to effective leadership isn’t solely focused on achieving business outcomes; instead, it emphasises on fostering conditions for learning and enabling team members to discover how to achieve them.

Author Katie Anderson is a celebrated leadership coach known for aligning purpose, process, and practice to attain high-performance levels. She emphasises learning, reflection, and a team-first approach as the cornerstones of effective leadership.



  1.  This leadership style is characterised by empowering teams to take ownership of achieving a goal, fostering learning and building capabilities to solve problems and contribute towards results.
  2. The transition to unburdened leadership can be realised through three key steps.
  3. The secret to effective leadership isn’t solely focused on achieving business outcomes; instead, it emphasises on fostering conditions for learning and enabling team members to discover how to achieve them.






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