Imagine there was a technique you could learn and practice that would display respect for others, promote trust and contribute mightily to individual and group performance.

I suspect many would be willing to invest heavily in the workshops and books that teach this behavior with its almost magical outcomes. I know I would.Fortunately, none of us has to dip into our training budgets or personal savings. And you don’t have to leave the home office or even read a book to gain the benefits from this ultimate leadership hack. The behavior with the almost magical relationship and performance outcomes is nothing more than listening. While a better term might be “fierce listening,” it’s something most of us play at, and many of us can stand to get significantly better at.

The human impact of fierce listening
I ran an informal poll on a webinar recently where almost 700 people signed up to learn more about listening, and I asked how people felt when they recognized the other party in their conversation wasn’t paying attention to them. The theme was evident with the most common answers being: upset, disappointed, angry, disrespected. You could almost feel the bitterness flow through the chat boxes.





