
Shiza Siraj Khan and Majid Ali



The world’s population is increasing rapidly, which has increased the demand for the construction of new structures. The need for increased construction is not only creating a shortage of natural resources but is also depleting the environment. Not only this, but waste materials such as plastic, glass wastes, etc., are not disposed of properly, which are putting flora and fauna at risk, to the point of extinction.

In light of such conditions, ecologists suggested the world opt for “sustainable development”, with the aim of developing the world in such a way that natural resources and the environment are conserved, because concrete is one of the leading contributors of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere.

This approach is about making sustainable concrete by utilizing wastes such as PVC and glass mix as replacements for fine aggregate, i.e., sand. This will help decrease the CO2 emissions from concrete by a considerable level. This will be done by replacing the PVC–glass mix in different ratios with sand.

Thus, this will contribute to the usage of waste materials, which will help in preserving the environment along with flora and fauna that are at the risk of extinction. Additionally, the world’s sustainable concrete demand will be met without compromising concrete strength.



sustainable development; environment; flora and fauna; PVC–glass mix

