
Jacek Gołaszewski, Małgorzata Gołaszewska and Grzegorz Cygan



Freeze–thaw resistance is a significant issue in the durability of concrete; however, it is not widely discussed in the context of limestone addition to concrete.

The present study aims to compare the effect of the addition of different types of limestone powder on the frost resistance of ordinary and self-compacting concrete. Three types of limestone powder were added to concrete in an amount of 15% and 30% cement weight.

Compositions with and without the air-entraining admixture were prepared in each instance. Research included tests of consistency, air content, air void distribution, compressive strength and freeze–thaw resistance after 100 and 200 freeze–thaw cycles.

The obtained results indicate that in the case of both aerated and non-aerated concrete mixtures, weight loss and the decrease in strength after 100 freeze–thaw cycles did not exceed the allowable range. Concretes with limestone powder did not significantly differ in frost resistance from reference concretes.

The type of limestone had an effect on the effectiveness of admixtures, as well as the compressive strength and freeze–thaw resistance of concretes without an air-entraining admixture.



concrete; concrete technology; durability; freeze–thaw cycles; fly ash; limestone

