
Discover how mobile quality control technology is transforming the concrete industry, ensuring optimal efficiency, reducing costs, and promoting eco-friendly practices.



Mobile quality control (QC) technology is the game-changer in the concrete industry. The unpredictability of concrete, with its perishable nature, means the treatment pre-use is pivotal for its future quality. Traditional methods involve manual testing, which can be tedious and time-consuming. Flaws can result in expensive ‘rip-and-replace’ procedures. However, the emerging trend leans towards mobile QC technology.

This digital advancement in construction means concrete testing is not only faster but also more precise. It involves placing sensors at the concrete plant or on the drum to monitor various parameters, from temperature to slump. Tools like BCMI’s Material Now and CiDRA’s SMARThatch allow real-time data access, ensuring that cement loads are up to standard, eliminating unnecessary wastage and rework.

Benefits include:

1.Time Savings: Instead of the conventional 10-15 minute testing period, mobile QC requires mere minutes, enhancing driver behaviour and consistency in the concrete mix.

2.Cost Savings: Reduced errors mean fewer rejected loads. Prompt, in-transit data saves time, and as Heather Brown from Irving Materials, Inc. states, “time is money”.

3.Environmental Protection: The digital approach means less wastage, and the data obtained can encourage the use of eco-friendly alternatives. The industry’s aim, according to Craig Yeack of BCMI, is to lower the carbon footprint.

4.Safety: The technology can monitor drum revolution speed, ensuring safe driving speeds and reducing the risk of accidents.

5.Less Over-design and Rip-and-replace: Real-time data ensures quality, reducing overdesign and expensive corrections. As Davis points out, rip-and-replace costs three times more than initial placement.

6.Claims Disputes: Concrete faults can lead to liability claims. Mobile QC provides data that can help in resolving such disputes.

In essence, mobile QC technology offers a streamlined, efficient, and eco-friendly approach to concrete usage. The key is awareness and adoption, especially among owners and contractors, to ensure optimal, data-driven, and environmentally conscious decisions in the construction industry.




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