Discover how artificial intelligence is poised to reshape modular construction, introducing enhanced efficiencies and innovative designs, while industry leaders weigh in on AI’s boundless potential.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is swiftly becoming a game-changer in various sectors, and the modular construction industry is no exception. Industry experts from both the U.S. and Canada share their insights on how AI might shape this industry’s future.
John McMullen from the Modular Building Institute underscores the infinite potential of AI in modular construction. He envisions the optimisation of building plans to manufacturer capabilities, overhauls in quality control, and the possibility of implementing efficiencies that could slash both construction time and material wastage. However, the onus remains on how modular designers and builders harness this transformative technology.
Tom Hardiman, another voice from the Modular Building Institute, emphasizes the novelty of AI, suggesting that its true impact will become clearer in the upcoming months, especially leading up to the MBI’s annual conference in 2024.
Craig Mitchell from Blackbox Offsite Solutions Ltd. sees AI’s most promising applications in modular design, with the ability to tailor designs to specific site characteristics and constraints. Puyan Zadeh, from the University of British Columbia, suggests that AI can be immensely beneficial across various off-site construction stages, from design, quality control, and robotics at the manufacturing stage to logistics and installation optimisation.
Building Information Modeling (BIM) is another domain that’s set for disruption by AI, says Zadeh. AI’s potential to streamline collaboration and coordination within BIM can’t be overstated. It can function as a virtual assistant, enhancing communication, project scheduling flexibility, and adaptability.
Helen Goodland of Scius Advisory underlines the need for construction companies to embrace advanced manufacturing, which seamlessly combines robotics, AI, and a myriad of other technologies. Intelligent City, a Vancouver-based company, serves as a testament to this approach, as shared by its CEO, Oliver Lang. They’ve innovated a fully integrated housing technology platform, blending design engineering, AI, and robotics to offer scalable and adaptable building solutions.
This spotlight on AI’s transformative potential suggests that the modular construction industry stands at the cusp of a new era, promising greater efficiency, adaptability, and innovation.
- It can function as a virtual assistant, enhancing communication, project scheduling flexibility, and adaptability.
- This spotlight on AI’s transformative potential suggests that the modular construction industry stands at the cusp of a new era, promising greater efficiency, adaptability, and innovation.
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- How AI is used in construction?
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