The roaring 1920s bring to mind economic prosperity, jazz music, new ways of dancing, expanded choices and the rejection of traditional moral values.

We are entering a new roaring ’20s with many similarities that will necessarily redefine the way we view leadership. This decade requires leaders who can bring people together and create new visions. Here are three leadership skills essential to thrive in the new roaring 2020s.


The word discernment is often used in a religious or spiritual context, but in the context of leadership, I offer the word discernment to mean a higher level of good judgment. Discernment is about making distinctions between extremely similar concepts in order to promote understanding and superior decision-making. Distinctions help us to agree on concepts and use language in a way that creates alignment.

For example, in my work, I make a distinction between responsibility and accountability — responsibility being a personal choice and more about individual ownership, and accountability being about metrics. Although the concepts are similar, these distinctions help managers communicate as to whether the issue is about measurement or the willingness of the employee.

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