
In this guide, we are going to introduce you to this mysterious ingredient! You will learn what concrete sand is, whether it is the same as ordinary sand that we can find at the beach, what types of concrete sand exist, and what this stuff is used for in construction in particular.



Concrete is an extremely popular material nowadays that is widely used for many purposes in construction. And even if you are not a professional constructor and you don’t have to mix ingredients in order to get an ideal concrete, you might be wondering what it consists of and how to make it.

Since concrete is so widely used, it might indeed be necessary for everyone to learn what it consists of and also – how to make and what ingredients to use for that purpose. And this is when people often ask the same question: what is concrete sand?

Since this is one of the important components in concrete, we can’t just skip this question!


Concrete Sand. What Is It?

So first of all, what is concrete sand? Concrete sand is a specific type of sand used as an aggregate in concrete mixtures. Since the surface of concrete sand is coarse, it bonds easier with water, cement, and other aggregates to create strong and durable concrete products.

You might be aware that concrete only has a few ingredients, however, the recipe is much more complicated than most people first think!

You only need a few materials to create strong, durable concrete.

These ingredients are water, cement, and aggregates.

he aggregates — rocks, crushed stone, sand, and other granular materials — are what actually give the concrete the majority of its bulk and strength.This is why having the right type of aggregates in a concrete mixture is crucial if construction workers don’t want the final product to break!

