
Discover how the Drucker Forum is paving the way for revolutionary management practices, focusing on innovation and value creation by rethinking the role of knowledge workers.



The Drucker Forum recently shared insights from its ongoing five-year initiative aimed at forging “the next management,” spotlighting the urgent need for a paradigm shift in management to better harness innovation and value creation, particularly through the empowerment of knowledge workers.

At the heart of this transformation is the critique of current management systems, which are deemed inadequate due to their inefficiency and lack of trust, largely stemming from outdated priorities like cost minimization and operational efficiency over innovation and customer-centric approaches.

Speakers at the forum underscored the imperative to radically change our management mindsets. This involves shifting focus from traditional efficiency and scale to fostering innovation, collaboration, and a deeper understanding of customer needs. They argue for a reimagined management structure that encourages agility, cross-functional teamwork, and a break from hierarchical norms, which stifle innovation.

The discussions drew attention to the examples set by the world’s most successful firms, which have already embraced these new management philosophies. These companies have moved beyond mere process optimization to cultivate cultures of customer obsession, growth mindsets, and values-centric leadership.

This shift is not just confined to large corporations but is also evident in medium and small-sized enterprises. Emphasizing purpose as the core driving force, these firms prioritize creating value for customers above all else, fostering environments where self-organizing teams and networks of competence thrive.

This management revolution, as evidenced by the discourse at the Drucker Forum, signifies the emergence of a new paradigm where leadership is democratized, innovation is paramount, and traditional business processes are redefined to support knowledge work.

The transition to this new model of management heralds a future where companies are better equipped to innovate, attract talent, and meet customer needs more effectively, ultimately contributing to a more dynamic and value-driven economy.



  1. Emphasizing purpose as the core driving force, these firms prioritize creating value for customers above all else, fostering environments where self-organizing teams and networks of competence thrive.
  2. They argue for a reimagined management structure that encourages agility, cross-functional teamwork, and a break from hierarchical norms, which stifle innovation.





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