
Mingjing Fang, Ph.D., P.E., Aff.M.ASCEb, Yiming Chen , Yungang Deng, P.E. Mengjun Zhu, P.E and Wenbin Zhu, P.E.



This paper presents research about a mixture design method of pavement concrete coblending rubber and fiber into ordinary concrete.

Mechanical-based tests regarding the compressive strength, elastic modulus, splitting tensile strength, flexural strength, and four-point bending stiffness were conducted to evaluate the flexural toughness of concrete, and a slab-based three-point bending test was designed to evaluate the bending toughness improvement of the road pavement concrete slab.

The results indicated that with the increase in single rubber content, the compressive strength and elastic modulus of concrete decreased continuously. The rubber concrete specimen remained relatively complete in appearance during destruction, showing the satisfied ductile failure characteristics to pavement usage with the optimal rubber content of 10%.

After adding basalt fiber (BF) or polypropylene fiber (PPF), with the increase of fiber content, the bending stiffness of concrete decreased, the corresponding deflection of peak load increased continuously, and the bending deformation capacity of concrete could be significantly enhanced.

Compared with the reference group, when the rubber content is 10%, and basalt fiber content is 0.5%–2%, the equivalent initial bending strength of fiber-reinforced rubber concrete is increased by 105.4%–164.4%. In general, BF is better than PPF in improving the toughness of rubber concrete, and the optimal dosage of BF is 1% of concrete volume in this test.

When loaded to the limit load, the deflection of the basalt fiber–reinforced rubber concrete slab in the middle of the bottom span was about four times higher than that of the benchmark concrete slab, the bending deformation capacity and toughness of the basalt fiber–reinforced rubber cement concrete slab have been greatly improved.

From the test results, the mixture design method of flexible pavement cement concrete based on rubber and fiber coblending was proposed, which contributes to the development of flexible materials for concrete pavement.

