
Gregarious leaders may be more visible, but more introverted leaders can play to their strengths of thinking deeply and their planning and decision-making skills to inspire their teams, writes Lolly Daskal. “Introverts are especially effective leaders for an organization that has a creative and energetic workforce, because they draw out that energy even more,” Daskal writes.



When we think of great leadership, we usually think of an outgoing individual who commands attention when they enter a room. But introverted leadership can be just as effective.

Individuals who are quiet and sometimes even awkward in a crowd may not fit the usual mold of successful leadership, but they bring their own strengths. In my work as a leadership coach, I work with many introverted leaders. Once they learn to tap into their strengths, they’re some of the most effective leaders. Here are some of the reasons why:

Introverted leaders gain strength outside the spotlight. The extrovert-introvert divide isn’t about personality—it’s defined by how people gain energy. Extroverts are energized by the presence of other people. Introverts, on the other hand get energy from solitude.

The ability to recharge with time alone is a great strength for introverts. It makes them well suited to focus on the important work of research, planning, and decision making.

Introverted leaders know how to command attention. When an introverted leader needs to deliver presence, they can leverage inner traits that give them quiet but strong confidence. A perfect example is an introverted leader I coach.

He’s usually very quiet, but when he does speak, his words carry a deep-seated conviction that inspires people to genuinely admire, respect and follow him.Introverted leaders have gifts of perception and depth. Extroverted leaders are animated and expressive. Just as they draw energy from the external world, they expend it on others.

