
Your employees will stay when they feel valued, have the resources they need and are recognized and respected, says Denise Lee Yohn in this blog post and video. “Moreover, employees want to be respected as individuals, so we must acknowledge different needs and wants within our workforce and appreciate the different backgrounds and perspectives our people have,” she says.



The Great Resignation. Record-high job openings. Employee burnout. It’s more difficult than ever to attract and retain top talent.In the struggle to determine what employees want, many employers may wish they had the ability to read employees’ minds — like the character in the movie “What Women Want” who has the ability to hear what women are thinking.

There are five essential basics that employees want: clarity, to be equipped, respect, trust and recognition.By starting with these, employers can make themselves much more attractive to new and existing employees.Between the record-high job-opening rate and the dramatic increase in people quitting their jobs, companies are struggling to attract and retain employees these days. You’re probably wondering what employees want.

Of course, employees want competitive compensation and benefits. And there’s plenty that human resources teams can do to improve recruiting, performance management, and other HR aspects of the employee experience. But as business leaders, we play an important role in ensuring employees get what they want so that new people are attracted to our company and existing employees are motivated to stay.

Generally speaking, there are five basics of what employees want:

First, clarity. Employees want to be clear about what they are supposed to do and why it’s important. So, we must ensure people know what they’re expected to do and what success looks like. And employees want to do meaningful work, so we must connect the dots between their daily tasks — especially those that seem mundane or rote — and the broader purpose of our organization.




